Monday, March 30, 2015

Momma, you're doing it right.

When the house is a mess and you haven't had time to collect all the toys and their missing pieces, but you decide to just say screw it and watch LMN because the kid is finally asleep, you're doing it right.

Buying a DVD player for your backseat and driving somewhere in peace thinking, "that little electronic screen flashing pictures is the best damn thing since sliced bread." Quiet, occupied children mean you've done it all right. 

Expecting visitors for the weekend and trying to get everything that requires any sort of sound to be made done prior to putting your kid to sleep, and realizing after all is said and done that you forgot to vacuum. *facepalm* You'll be getting up a early anyway, and it'll get done. You're doing it right.

When you finally get to go shopping for yourself but all you come home with are new outfits for your little one(s), you're doing it right.

For the working momma - It's Monday and work is consuming you. Swamped and stressed, you catch yourself on Facebook envying anyone who is getting to spend time with their small children on a weekday. You are tired and it would be so much easier if you could just be home. But you are doing what is best for you and your family, even when it means doing what you really don't want to do. You are strong and your children will look up to you and thank you everyday for that. You're doing what you do out of pure love and selflessness, and even though it is hard to drop them off and go every morning, you're doing it right.

For the stay at home momma - You are sick and tired of seeing those walls. Tired of the same routine. Tired of cleaning and tired of a whiney kid pulling at your leg 24/7. You catch yourself wishing that you were at a job, any job, getting any sort of break that doesn't involve motherly decisions and instincts for even five seconds. You feel guilty for even thinking it. You are doing it out of love, to see your children grow everyday, and just because you don't clock in every morning, doesn't mean you don't work. You have one of the hardest jobs in the world, and you're doing it right. 

On sleepless nights when they are crying non-stop, wanting to be comforted by only you, and you sacrifice those few hours of sleep you were going to get just so you can hold them until they pass back out, you're doing it right.

Picture day is always hell. Not enough time for this, unprepared for that, wasn't planning on this, and sure as hell didn't think about that. Then the pictures finally come all edited and pretty and there's always somehow one decent one. You're doing it right. 

Those frustrating days when every whine, mishap, or tear forces you to simply walk outside and ignore it for a few minutes to gather your sanity. Even though you may not think, you are doing it right.

When you are so unbelievably protective of such a tiny human being that it scares the living shit out of you everyday, guess what? You're doing it right.

When certain friendships become distant and hard to maintain, because your life now revolves around that tiny human being, it makes it difficult to explain, but you're still doing it right.

After you have done all you can and they still aren't happy, you tell them you love them and quietly shut the door. It's harder than anything to walk away, but they're now exhausted and asleep. You're doing it right. 

On those days when you have worried yourself to death over whether or not the person you left your child with is doing all the right things, or if they miss you so much they won't behave for them. They will be ok, and you are doing it right. 

When you've been so busy with pediatricians, a sleep schedule, go-sees, play dates, and juggling life, that your hair stylist calls because you've missed your last two color/cut appointments. And even though you know and she knows your hair looks like total shit and you probably won't be available anytime soon, the two of you reschedule anyway. Yeah, you're doing it right. 

That night when the laundry has piled up into the highest mountain it's ever been in, and you sacrifice stopping to get detergent on your way home because you had a cranky baby in the back that you just wanted out of his/her damn car seat. You're doing it right. 

That awkward moment when you've seen the ABC Mouse commercial so many times you start to wonder where the hell it was when you were failing elementary math. You've probably been inside too long, catering to a boss who is 32 inches tall, and cabin fever has destroyed your brain. You're going to recover, because you're doing it right. 

When the grocery store is on your to-do list but never actually gets done, amongst many other things, and you're in line at Chickfila for the third night in a row getting a kids four count nugget meal, yes, you're still doing it right. 

If every time you open your vehicle door, tiny toys come pouring out onto the pavement, you're doing it right.

And if you've ever been cleaning out your vehicle and found a dirty diaper from God only knows when, and you think to yourself, "it must be really bad that I didn't smell this in here." We all go nose blind as mommas, and you're doing it right. 

On those Saturday mornings when the kid is awake at 6 AM for some unknown reason, and all you want to do is stay in bed and turn off your monitor so you can pretend you are sixteen again with no responsibilities... you are normal. And yes, you're still doing it right. 

When your kid leaves the room and you realize you've been watching Nick Jr. For the last twenty minutes without them around, it's ok. You're doing it right. 

Laziness has completely taken over and you start buying Walmart brand cinnamon rolls to heat up in the morning so you don't have to cook your kid a breakfast that requires effort. Hey, if they don't throw it in the floor, you're doing it right. 

When nap time rolls around and you know you need to load the dishwasher, but all you can envision is the inside of your eyelids, go ahead, some things aren't worth more than your sanity, and they can wait. You're doing it right. 

When you swore up and down you wouldn't give your child heavy sugar for a snack, but frosted animal crackers are the only thing that will shut him/her up, you're not doing it the way you planned, but you're still doing it right. 

When your kid has been so attached to you that you forget what it's like to be alone with your husband, embrace it. It's almost like a first date ha! You're doing it right. :) 

If your back is aching from changing crib bedding because his/her diaper has leaked for the third time this week, and you finally start questioning the act of layering diapers at night. You're still sane, and you're doing it right. (Btw, it does work lmao) 

When you've questioned doing something obviously frowned upon with your child in tow. Ex: "I wonder if he/she can come in the liquor store with me to get wine?" Lmao, you're probably just tired, and you're doing it right. 

Those Friday nights when you long to go out and see that new movie you've been hearing so much about but you don't have a babysitter, or you're still struggling with trusting someone enough, so you turn on Netflix for the fifth night in a row, pop some corn, and hope to God the spawn doesn't hear. That new movie will be on DVD in a few weeks, and you're doing it right.

You find yourself lonely or bored on more than one occasion, and craving adult conversation, but you feel guilty for wanting to do anything but spend those precious moments all with your baby. We all need a break. It's logical, it's understandable and it's doing things right. 

The days when you are sick with what feels like death and you can hardly move from the horrible body ache, but you somehow manage to pry yourself up off the couch and entertain a needy, clingy kid, you're slow and lethargic, but still doing it right.

When you passively insult your husband through your child. Ex: "Daddy is just a pain in the ass today, isn't he?" It's a mom thing, and we can get away with. You're doing it right.

The day your child discovers standing up in the shopping cart and you almost feel like calling cooperate because there's no shopping carts with straps that actually fit around your child's waist or aren't f*cking broken. You totally have an incentive to lose your shit, and you're losing it right.

When the thought of knocking yourself out with a meat cleaver comes to mind because the, "Do the Chucky!" dance commercial is on for the eighth time in the half hour, I feel ya, and you're doing it right. 

Running to the store with who knows what all over your tshirt, smelling like baby formula, barf, or a dirty diaper, but feeling like a million because you've managed to be super Mom. You own that shit. You're doing it right. 

Having AT LEAST one or two people everywhere you go tell you how cute your kid(s) is/are and leaving wondering if you should look into baby modeling. Your genetics made a looker, you couldn't help it. You just did it right. ;)

You've been so angry that your child won't listen, or that they've tested your patience all day long, and then they look up at you with the cutest smile you've ever seen and you forget they're punishment entirely. You're a softy, and you're doing it right. 

When sticky handprints on the window or marker on the wall become regular works of art around the house, don't feel embarrassed or obligated to clean. You, Piccaso's mother, are in good company. and you're doing it right.

And even during the roughest times when you have cried yourself to sleep from feeling like a failure, or like you haven't done the best thing, or when everyone else is telling you you're doing it wrong. You've got the upper hand. You're that babys momma, ONLY YOU. And guess what? You're gonna make it, because you're doing it right. :)




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