Monday, May 1, 2017

For any heart that life is breaking

You can put yourself first. You are allowed to want things. You can prioritize your needs. You can be a little selfish. You should be. You deserve to be. Make it a goal to advocate for the way that you feel. It's healthy, and 100% ok to take care of yourself and the things that make you feel alive. 

You don't have to be perfect. You can be flawed, and messy. You can make mistakes and have setbacks. It's normal to not have it all together, all of the time. Let yourself stop, exhale, and breathe the fresh air a little. If we were all perfect, life would be too predictable.

No one is asking or expecting you to take on the world. Sometimes, a little at a time, day by day, is worth far more than spinning so many plates at once. I know, during all the hustle, we can forget ourselves. We can forget that our well-being matters just as much as the tasks we're taking on. Do not forget, during all the chaos, to enjoy your life. 

Love who you want to love. Seriously. Love is an incredible thing. Be who you want to be. Be original, or be different. Be adventurous and explore new territory. Give yourself the happiness that you deserve, no matter how you have to get there. Sometimes, it takes one hell of a struggle to find your bliss. And happiness is far too rare these days to not own the strength you've gained, and the battle you've had to fight to get there. 

Forgive, but never forget. Shallow people will always try to hurt you. It's a fact of life that only the weak are fully satisfied hurting others. It's not ok to have to endure the pain, but it is ok to let it go. After all, letting go only benefits you. The strong. You can let go, and still remember. Not a soul in the world is going to blame you for the memories you choose to keep fresh, good or bad. Letting go heals you, but remembering is what protects you. "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi

We are original. We are not mass produced. No person in the world is exactly like another, and that's incredible. It gives each one of us so much power to do the things we set our minds to. When life is pulling us in all directions, anxiety can takes over, causing a dreadful doubt to fill our soul. But in these moments, what we are feeling is still so beautifully individual. Even in the most difficult times, our struggle is singular. Which means we can handle it all in the way that we choose. In the way that is right for us. The uniqueness of individuality is not just for the good times. What makes each person different, makes them stunning. All of the things that we see... the downfalls, and imperfections, make us a perfectly molded shape of who we are. Who set the bar of what "normal" is? Normal, is different. And different, is good. No matter what that different may be.

Our mistakes, are just that. Mistakes. They are life lessons we learn from. These trials and hardships have only helped us become who we are today. We are where we're meant to be because of the bends in the road we didn't expect. Because of the heartaches. Because of any tragedy life threw at us. Sadness, and anger, can fuel the fire that mistakes create. Be bigger. Destroy any doubt in your mind that you should live in your slip-ups. No one deserves to feel eternally miserable because something didn't go as planned. We are all, every single one of us, muddling through to get it right. And we don't all succeed the first time. The right attitude, and the people will help you to understand that. 

We are all smart. Some are phenomenal with math, calculators and a sheet of paper, and some are simply street smart. Some can live through music, and have a beautiful harmony written in only moments. And some can collect the words of a novel to memory after a single skim of the pages. The beauty of the human brain is something else that makes us unique. What are we good at? You just never know. But we are all great at something.

Words can hurt people. No one is immune. Words can be used as weapons, and work as well as any gun. We've all been ridiculed, and lied to. We've been the victim of vicious rumors and gossip. And we've all, unfortunately, been the culprit at some point or another. But we are strong. Yes, strength comes from fighting for yourself. From standing up for yourself. From not giving in when the entirety of the world expects you to fall to your knees and surrender. Strength is building a shield with the bricks that others have thrown at you. It's coming back an even better person than you were before. And we can all do it. But we can't know the comeliness of even possibility if we don't try. 

Live life the the fullest. Seek adventure, and guidance when it is needed. Seek kindness and love. Seek truth. Never stop asking questions. We are all facing more than meets the eye, and that's not something to be ashamed of. Each battle that we fight, is a battle already won, because we were strong enough to try. This is life, and we only get one. But if we are living it right, one should be enough. 



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