Monday, May 22, 2017

You get to be broken

When you are broken... you get to be. You are human. You will be broken. 

When you are broken...

You find yourself. You discover that you can BE more, that you ARE more. You find that even your greatest weakness can be used as strength, and you discover that who you are on your own, is so much better than who you were when you weren't. 

You learn to rise above. You will become intolerant of anyone who doesn't treat you with respect. And that is ok. That is perfectly acceptable. Don't ever let anyone tell you that it isn't. When you are hurt, shattered, and aching from the inside out, you gain a new perspective on life. A new outlook. Your eyes are opened to all of the things you weren't paying close enough attention to before. Like your individual beauty, the situations and atmospheres you thrive in, and your solidarity. 

You feel everything, and you will feel everything deeply. Normal sadness will seem like absolute devastation. Normal tears will flow in waves, and the simplicity of pure happiness will seem like it's the first time you've ever felt it. There is no shame in feeling what you feel to it's true extent. When you've bottled up your emotions for so long, there is a strange, but welcome, beauty in brokenness that gives you the power to feel again. 

Things will seem impossible in the beginning; Like a climb you can't find a good enough grip to make. Searching for the harness and safety net in the dark, because the blur that is change has completely clouded your view. The darkness that is losing something you love so dearly, can be overwhelming. But this is only the beginning. This is where your heart, mind and will to fight is put to the test. This is the part when you discover just how far you're willing to go to put the pieces back together, and take back what joy and happiness is rightfully yours.

You will find that you can be angry. Very angry. And It's really ok to be angry in the wake of the sorrow. Its normal. It's ok to ask questions in frustration, and to wonder why. When someone hurts you, you have the right to give your emotions the attention they deserve, as long as you don't unpack and live in them. Sometimes, your motivation to demand answers is the only way to get them. And, you always deserve answers. 

Being broken is a new beginning. It is starting over, and letting go of the suffering. It is taking time for yourself, and seeing the bigger picture. Your future matters, and being truly where you want to be in life is a big part of that future. Loving yourself and the decisions you make is a must. You cannot be satisfied with the goals you've set if you are constantly doubting your potential to succeed. Your vision is 100% your responsibility. You can make it happen, you can begin the healing process. 

You are not someone else's idea of you. You are not what someone else thinks of you. You are not what someone has heard, or what rumor someone has spread. You are not the names that someone calls you. When you tolerate abusive behaviors, and a negative lifestyle, you set the bar for how you want to be treated, and you absolutely DO NOT have to put up with being treated like garbage. Brokenness can make you weak, but you are still a person. 

Sometimes, the love and admiration we are constantly giving to others is the love we need to be giving ourselves. You can be broken, but you will not stay that way. You have no idea the immense power you hold in your own two hands. Heartbreaks heal. Time passes. Tears are dried. Grudges fade. Life goes on. Let it. Allow yourself to find peace. 

You will find what you are looking for. Even if the search takes a while. 

You will recover from the hurt, and endless nights of pain that seem as if they'll never subside. And as cliche as it may sound right now, you will be stronger because of it.

You will do the things you care about again. You will pick yourself up and find joy in all life has to offer. 

You will trust again. Maybe not right away, but it will come. Because honesty and sincerity are out there. You will find them. 

But most of all, most of all these things, brokenness doesn't last for an eternity. At the moment it may feel like such a long road, but you heart will be whole. You will love again. 

It's ok to love again. 



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