Friday, September 15, 2017

Your happiness is never negotiable

You are never wrong for doing what is best for you. It's ok to stand up, it's ok to walk away, and it's ok to remember what you deserve. If you need to pack your bags, pack them. If you need time to think, take that time. Taking care of yourself is and always should be a priority. If you ever feel...
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Monday, September 11, 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Assumption is NOT consent

It's not your fault if you were at a party.  It's not your fault if your skirt was short. It's not your fault if you left your drink unattended. It's not your fault if he was your boyfriend. It's not your fault if he was your husband. It's not your fault if it was a relative.  It's...
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Monday, June 26, 2017

Dear sixteen year old me

Dear sixteen year old me, Life is hard, but it is not as complicated as you are making it. Slow down, take your time, and open your eyes. The problem is, you are paying attention to all the wrong things. You are dying on all the wrong hills. This life really is good, and your future is going...
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Friday, June 2, 2017

I won't apologize for loving my marriage

My husband and I have always had a great relationship. We are pretty much attached at the hip, and we don't like to do anything without each other. Not because we feel insecure, or obligated, but because we were best friends before we got married. We've always had a bond we couldn't explain. From...
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday, May 22, 2017

You get to be broken

When you are broken... you get to be. You are human. You will be broken.  When you are broken... You find yourself. You discover that you can BE more, that you ARE more. You find that even your greatest weakness can be used as strength, and you discover that who you are on your own, is...
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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Dearest teacher, thanks for taking a full plate

Thank you. Thank for for doing one of the most difficult jobs in the world. One of the hardest. One of the most stressful, but one of the most rewarding. Thank you for getting up every morning, even when you are totally exhausted from home demands, extra curricular activities and the hardships...
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Monday, May 1, 2017

For any heart that life is breaking

You can put yourself first. You are allowed to want things. You can prioritize your needs. You can be a little selfish. You should be. You deserve to be. Make it a goal to advocate for the way that you feel. It's healthy, and 100% ok to take care of yourself and the things that make you feel alive.  You...
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