Wednesday, April 19, 2017

You might be from a small town...

You might be from a small town if...

Everyone meets at a designated spot on Friday nights. Not a rave, not a club, and not some fancy upscale restaurant. A little old gazebo on a town square surrounded by a cute little hair salon, a cafe and a funeral home. 

Waking up for school an hour early, because you're on E, and have to get to the little two pump gas station before it gets too, "crowded." Plus, you just never knew when that one pump might be "out of gas." *click, click, click* Annnnddd.... DAMNIT!

Your graduating senior class never made it past a 2 digit number. 

"Driving around" was an actual thing to do. Not considered boring, uncommon or an unexpected thing. And only now, at 26 years old, do I wish I had back all the gas I wasted. 

When you had an older sibling that everyone knew, naturally they set the bar for you. You went by, so-and-so's little sister/brother. 

You could be called by your last name, and answer to it. Because there wasn't anyone else with that last name - Unless they were related to you. 

Everyone knows everyone. Literally. So, when a rumor starts, you knew it would only be a few short minutes before your parents heard it. And if you ever got into trouble and tired to hide it, just forget about it. You're going to be in deep shit at home. 

Mark my words when I say, someone, somewhere in that town, is family you never even knew you were related to. 

There are no fast food joints, or hole in the wall places. Except for the actual holes in the wall. And the nearest Walmart is at least 20-30 minutes away. 

Being in any sort of sport made you feel like a million bucks, because the bleachers were so small - but always so full. 

Your best friend wasn't anyone else's best friend. No one knew them like you did. Typically, that's anywhere, but best friends are different in small towns. They are the best friends who don't mind working concession stands with you so prom isn't a total bust. The ones who understand why driving up and down one road all night is fun. The ones who see Sonic for what it really is - The closest food that isn't from a gas station. 

If someone new moved to town, it was a huge ordeal. Not because they were disliked, but because they often came from bigger cities, and all you could think was, "how the hell did you find this place?" 

There was so little to worry about, that you were actually able to be hand picked, and sent home from school to change for having frayed holes in your jeans. Thought you'd try to sneak one in because it was the end of the school year, huh? Nope. Get your ass to the office and find a pair of sweats. 

The school's Homecoming parade route consisted of one tiny highway and a back road. And had to be done at 2 mph just so it would last. 

In a small town, there is no town moron. Everyone took turns.

And the nice thing about a small town, is when you don't know what the hell you're doing, don't worry. Everyone else does. 

When someone passes away, the whole town is shattered. Because yet again, everyone knows everyone. And in little towns like these, no matter how far it's people go or how long it's been, our strong bond always remains the same. 

Most teacher knew your parents, which meant you could never misbehave. And even when you tried to, the phrase, "I know your mom." In front of the entire class, was enough to shut you up. 

Two words. Pink slip.

Two more words. Church hoppers. 

Your town had no police station. Which made you feel an overwhelming sense of privileged youth and freedom. But if you ever thought that meant you couldn't get pulled over for drive 65 in a 40 with your convertible top down in the pouring rain, you were wrong. 

At some point in time, you honestly thought your school district could qualify for -1A.

It was never a surprise when someone married someone they grew up with, or divorced them. 

Several last names have become well-known, and a part of the towns history. 

Something no one from the city life could ever understand. Pot-holes. Good God at the potholes. 

And Friday nights aren't just about driving around. They're about football. Man, do small towns love their football. 

The only places where you can get actual directions based off of a stop light.

You decide to go for a walk to get some exercise, and 10 people pull over to ask if you need a ride. 

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But what happens in a small town can give you a whole new reputation. 

And you might be from a small town, if you can successfully, and accurately write a list, about a small town. 



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